How to Implement a Subscription Model in Gojek Clone App

How to Implement a Subscription Model in Gojek Clone App

A dynamic business landscape is incomplete without the presence of super apps like the Gojek Clone app. Their versatility holds no boundaries under one digital roof. It is known to maximize revenue and user retention without any effort. In this blog, you will learn about a highly popular revenue model that has become a popular strategy for monetizing apps.


The human psyche always looks for the betterment of itself first rather than others. In the digital age, the longevity of a reward system has been the best solution for the business. When a person signs up for something, there are always rewards for it, and if combined with mobile apps, many users will find themselves in the midst of a stem that best suits their plans. One of the most common stems is around a subscription model for Gojek Clone apps. Let’s understand this in detail.

The Relevance of Subscription Models

Why Subscription Models Matter?

Subscription models have revolutionized numerous industries, from entertainment (Netflix, Spotify) to software (Adobe Creative Cloud, Microsoft 365). But why are they increasingly relevant for super apps like Gojek Clones?

    1. Predictable Revenue: Subscriptions provide a steady, recurring income stream, allowing for better financial planning and stability.
    2. Customer Retention: By offering consistent value, subscriptions encourage long-term user engagement and loyalty.
    3. Data Insights: Regular user interaction provides valuable data for personalization and service improvement.
    4. Scalability: As your user base grows, so does your recurring revenue, facilitating rapid scaling.
    5. Competitive Edge: In a crowded market, unique subscription offerings can differentiate your app from competitors.

For Gojek Clone apps, this means transforming from a mere service provider to an indispensable part of users' daily lives. Here's how different on-demand services within a Gojek Clone app can benefit from subscriptions:


    Unlimited Rides Package: Offer a set number of rides per month for a fixed fee

    Commuter Pass: Tailored for regular routes (e.g., home to work) at discounted rates

    Off-Peak Discount Subscription: Lower rates for rides during non-peak hours

Food Delivery

    Delivery Pass: Free or discounted delivery fees for subscribers

    Exclusive Menu Access: Early or exclusive access to new restaurants or dishes

    Scheduled Meal Plans: Weekly or monthly meal subscriptions from partner restaurants

Grocery Delivery

    Priority Slots: Guaranteed delivery slots during peak times for subscribers

    Bulk Buy Discounts: Special prices on bulk orders for regular subscribers

    Freshness Guarantee: Premium quality assurance and replacement for subscribers

Home Services

    Maintenance Plans: Regular home maintenance services at a fixed monthly rate

    Emergency Service Priority: Faster response times for subscribers

    Multi-Service Discounts: Bundled discounts for users subscribing to multiple home services

Logistics and Courier Services

    Business Shipping Plans: Discounted rates for regular business shippers

    Personal Courier Subscription: Set number of deliveries per month for personal use

    Warehousing and Fulfillment: Integrated storage and delivery subscriptions for e-commerce businesses

Gojek Clones and White-Label Solutions

For businesses looking to quickly enter the market with a subscription-based super app, white-label Gojek Clone solutions offer a compelling option. These ready-made platforms provide the following:

    1. Rapid Deployment: Launch your app in weeks rather than months or years
    2. Customization: Tailor the app to your brand and local market needs
    3. Integrated Subscription Management: Built-in tools for handling subscriptions and recurring payments
    4. Scalability: Enterprise-grade infrastructure capable of handling growth
    5. Compliance and Security: Pre-built features ensuring data protection and regulatory compliance

Choosing a White-Label Provider

When selecting a white-label Gojek Clone provider, consider the following:

    Subscription Model Flexibility: Ensure the platform supports various subscription types

    Integration Capabilities: Look for easy integration with payment gateways and CRM systems

    Customization Depth: Assess how much you can tailor the app to your specific needs

    Support and Maintenance: Evaluate the level of ongoing support provided

    Cost Structure: Understand the pricing model, including setup fees and revenue sharing

How Driver can subscribe?

Log in as a driver from the Driver app using valid credentials. When a subscription feature is active, and if the driver has not subscribed to any plans, the app will show a Pending Subscription message to the driver.

The driver can then tap on a “Subscribe” button. Alternatively, the driver can also tap on the “Profile” icon on the bottom bar. After this, the driver needs to tap on “My Subscription” under the Account Settings section.

Tapping on “My Subscription” under “Account Settings” or the “Subscribe” button from the popup dialog will take the driver to the “Subscription Plans” screen. There, the driver will be able to see all the Active Plans added by the admin and can select any plan of his/her choice to subscribe to.

To subscribe, the driver needs to tap on the “Subscribe” button. Once the driver subscribes to the plan, they will be able to see the following subscription details on the Subscription Plan screen.

    Plan Name

    Plan Duration

    Plan Price

    Plan Description

    Subscribed On Date

    Subscribed Expiry Date

    Subscription Status

    Renew Subscription

    Cancel Subscription

When the driver taps on the “Cancel” button, the driver will be asked to confirm. Tapping “Yes” will cancel the subscription plan. The driver can unsubscribe at any time during the subscription period. However, the plan will not expire immediately, and the driver can accept ride requests from users until the plan has expired.

Upon unsubscribing, the provider will not receive any notification about renewing the subscription plan. If the driver has already subscribed to an existing plan, he/she can still subscribe to another plan and upgrade.

Things to Note in the Subscription Model

Subscribing to a new plan while already subscribed to another would increase the subscription days. Say a driver is subscribed to a one-month subscription and, in the middle of the 15th day, he subscribes to a one-week plan. Then, his subscription validity days will be increased to 22 days instead of 15 days.

Also, the drivers will be sent reminders about the subscription expiry before XX days, which is set by the admin. The driver would be notified via email about their subscription. Drivers can subscribe to more than 1 plan at a time.

Once the subscription period has expired, the drivers will not be able to do the ride, and they need to subscribe again to give ride service to the users. This way, the admin can earn fixed subscription fees. The admin can also earn the commission for each ride that is set by the admin under the vehicle type.


A personalized service is the go-to catchphrase for businesses looking for strategies to retain more customers. However, the idea of a subscription model far overlooks this unique trait of selling your customers the same service but in a different kind of way and from a different point of view. For delivery drivers or taxi drivers, having this feature in your Gojek-like business is great to forge a lasting relationship with your brand. You can get a Gojek clone with the help of a professional white-label firm, which includes a subscription-based model as a quiet form of earning revenue apart from commissions and advertisements.