How To Develop A Handyman App Like Uber & TaskRabbit ?

How To Develop A Handyman App Like Uber & TaskRabbit ?

It is expected to come across tasks at home that need professional assistance. Another handyman's job is the repair of faucets, electrical work, and more. Require immediate care to prevent any damage to your property or the area. But finding a handyman for the daily requirements of your home isn't easy. Do you know that many handyman companies operate only within the United States? Why do so many complain that they can't find the right handyman?

The primary issue is needing to recognize the closest handyman service without even knowing the rates they charge. If you're contemplating opening a business for a handyman's services, do you know the best route to take? You'll need Handyman App Development, which is an application that helps in easily finding handyman services. Handyman's apps allow customers to find the right service provider, book them, set appointment times, make payments, and even share their feedback through a single app. Access to professional specialists and the variety of companies to select from have made these apps popular over a few days.

In this blog, we will discuss how to build a handyman application similar to TaskRabbit and Uber.

Define On-Demand Handyman Apps

Handyman applications on demand, like Uber, are multi-service apps that allow users to access regular home-based services and other services on one screen. Handyman apps on demand enable users to manage daily tasks like plumbing, repairs and construction, lawn mowing, moving and packing, and other lesser or expert services. Handyman applications on demand, such as Uber, allow homeowners to communicate directly with experts with varying skills through a single app. These applications enable local small-scale businesses to expand their reach and reach targeted audiences.

The apps help local handyman companies to support local businesses. In addition, homeowners can depend on established service providers to handle various more minor chores in their homes. They function as a separate platform that connects service providers and customers to the same table.

Advantages Of On-Demand Handyman Applications Like Uber And TaskRabbit

Handyman On Demand App Development like Uber and TaskRabbit is a popular solution for homeowners. Professionals are easily accessible and affordable services, and the ease of payment options and multi-service accessibility on handyman applications on demand are the reasons for their popularity.

Some of the significant advantages offered by handyperson apps such as Uber and TaskRabbit can be found in the following:

Time-Saving Option

The variety of services offered on the Handyman application, including Uber, is convenient for homeowners. Experts of various kinds can easily be identified without having to search to conduct useless web searches. By joining the handyman app on demand, customers can avail of top-quality home services without trouble.


In addition to time savings, the other significant advantage of the handyman-on-demand app is the availability of cheap home services without the hassle. With the more substantial number of professionals in handyperson apps such as Uber, customers can avail themselves of competitive prices for the required service. Removal of intermediaries means cost-effective service with no cost to customers.

Simplified Hiring Process

In the past, customers had to complete extensive paperwork to contract a contractor for repairs, maintenance, and other related services. Clients can easily avoid the tedious paperwork and get professional services by utilizing an on-demand handyman application similar to Uber and TaskRabbit. Look up the services you require and select a professional. Choose a date, location, and time. That's the process. Experts will be at your site to complete the task.

Convenience And Flexibility

Uber and TaskRabbit's handyman services on demand offer many advantages over traditional handyman services in terms of usability and flexibility. Customers can choose between a range of options and can hire professional services at their convenience. You don't have to make the time in your schedule. Professionals will turn up at the time and date you specify.

Enhanced Service Quality

Handyman on-demand apps create an effective communication channel between professionals and customers. The smooth interface of the app ensures professional and friendly conversations that increase the overall customer experience using the handyman customer service application. The result is improved satisfaction with service and delighted customers.

Increased Customer Satisfaction

On-demand handyman services like Uber and TaskRabbit can assist clients from booking services until final reviews. These valuable details can be utilized later to tailor customer services and improve satisfaction and overall revenues.

Must-Have Features In Your Handyman Mobile App

In the requirement-gathering phase of developing a handyperson application, you must define your requirements for features outlined in a Software Requirement Specification (SRS) document. SRS contains each feature's complete details, operations, and definitions. During testing and quality assurance of the Handyman App Clone, the functionality of each created feature will be checked against the terms defined by the SRS. Therefore, make sure you add these features to the SRS document:

Booking Calendar

Booking calendars allow clients to book appointments and prevent duplicate scheduling. This calendar is integrated to make it simple for clients to schedule and book appointments for service.

Profile Management

The module should be complete, allowing clients and service providers to build, modify, and manage their profiles. They should also be able to access associated features like tracking orders, customer service, wallets, assistance, etc.

Search Filters

To simplify navigation, the handyman app must offer search filters, such as costs, distance rating, experience, and many more.

Order Management

Service providers must be offered separate tabs that list all orders, including pending and complete ones. In addition, the customer should have choices for canceling orders, scheduling orders, or requesting refunds.

GPS Navigation

The GPS navigation in your Handyman application will enable the service provider to locate the exact location for delivery of services.

Chat Module

In a real-time chat application, clients and service providers can communicate and chat to communicate.

Ratings And Reviews

Reviews and ratings allow clients to pick the most trusted service company. They also help you gain your clients' trust. Additionally, service providers could have the ability to review and rate customers to improve the general experience of all service companies.

Social Login

Let both service providers sign up in just a couple of steps using the assistance of already-existing Gmail accounts or Facebook profiles.

Multiple Payment Options

To ensure conversions, you must offer customers their preferred payment options. Your handyman application should provide different payment options, including credit cards, eWallets, COD, debit cards, and more.

Admin Dashboard Features

The administrator oversees all activities in a Handyman app via the dashboard online. The dashboard can be an online application connected to the client and service provider's mobile apps. To ensure that your business is managed correctly and expansion, the on-demand handyman's administration dashboard must contain the following elements:

Content Management System (CMS)

The CMS of your handyman app can allow you to modify your home page, edit pages on the web blogs, and access any other information accessible in the application. This includes listings uploaded by service providers, too.

Order Management

As the application's administrator, you can see the history of orders and any waiting orders from clients and service suppliers. In addition, administrators should have access to the status of payments and be able to make refunds for every single purchase.

Discount Management

The administrator should include features for discount percentages or fixed amounts. Additionally, you should have discount management capabilities. They must also include coupon code management and reward points.

Notifications And Alerts

Control and customize multiple notifications and alerts immediately sent to the client and the service provider upon the conclusion of various triggers. For example, when booking a service, putting services to the cart, upon exit or exit-intent, etc.

Commission Management

The owner of the handyman app is primarily paid through commissions for services. The handyman app owner should be able to determine his fixed percentage or fixed commission, which could differ from service to service.

Payment Gateway Management

Different payment options come with various transaction fees. Administrators should be given the choice to either add, eliminate, or deactivate payment gateways by costs for transactions and customers' preferences.

Reports and Analytics

The analytics and report features can help you identify the best-performing products, the revenue total generated, your most desired target audience, and other business statistics. They will assist you in improving your marketing plan and making critical business choices.

Marketing Management

Marketing management modules will include functions such as meta tag optimization and social media sharing, the management of banners, highlighted listings, and much more.

Steps To Make An On-Demand Handyman Mobile App

Handyman's development and app services cover several steps from conception to the launch. Let's walk through the steps of creating an app for the handyman.

Market Research

The initial step is to study the market deeply to discover a novel concept. This should include the services your competitors offer and identify areas of opportunity. Many handyman service options are available; delivering solutions that are most important to your audience is important. Once you've got the idea, it is time to think about it. Are you planning to offer these services on a website or app? Look at the potential opportunities your business can exploit in this extremely competitive market.

Define Your Value Proposition

Take a look at what could help your app stand out from technology, including live real-time tracking, reviews, easy payment options, etc. Additionally, consider the services you'd like to offer your clients, including specialized solutions, general repair or repairs, etc.

Design And User Experience

The design plays a crucial role in keeping users engaged and ensuring they stay until they buy your products. Create an accessible handyman app by providing users with an intuitive user interface so they can effortlessly locate what they're searching for in a matter of moments. Handyman App Development Company will create a user-friendly, easy process for booking handyman services.

Technical Aspects

Pick the appropriate platform, technological stack, database, and other tools and techniques to create a unique Handyman application. Select the best Android, iOS, or both platforms for your application. Select the right technology and databases that are compatible with your data requirements.

Legal And Compliance

The app you develop complies with all laws regarding data protection. Consider all legal requirements that relate to your services. The owner of your business must understand the local laws to stay clear of any legal issues.

Development Process

Begin by creating the minimum feasible product (MVP),a simple version to gather user feedback. Utilize an interactive approach that follows the agile model to ensure continuous enhancement. Conduct rigorous tests for problems, crashes, and a more user-friendly experience.

Test And Iterate the App

After the development team has created the application, you must try it out on fewer people. This is a way to determine if the application is ready for launch. In the test phase, there may be a chance the functionality of a particular feature within the user's application does not perform as expected. The developers can quickly identify this to allow for further adjustments to be implemented. Furthermore, user feedback can help make the application more effective as it can offer genuine feedback.

Deploy And Market the App

When your application is ready to go live with users, you can deploy it. After the app has entered the market and gained customers, it enters the maintenance stage. Once users have begun to use the app, they'll provide feedback, and the app must be redesigned similarly. This process will require an adequate amount of maintenance each year.

Cost For Developing On-Demand Handyman Apps

The second primary concern for people looking to develop on-demand handyman development services is overall development cost. But, there is no way to say that the development cost is identical, not even for similar niche applications. This is why it's crucial to comprehend the structure of the expenses of handyman applications that are available on demand.

To begin with, application development for the handyman on demand is a complicated procedure. Multiple experts are involved, which is why the costs are based on their fees and the application of technological advancements. Complex apps come with many features, which attract higher charges, whereas the more straightforward applications have a few capabilities.

The most important factors that contribute to the expense for the development of an on-demand Handyman app include:

The team that manages the project, i.e., the contact point with the handyman services and the app creators.

  • App compatibility on various platforms like Android, iOS, etc.

  • The application requires the most critical features, such as the settings screen, the screen for selected news catalog display, the primary screen, and so on.

  • App compatibility on diverse devices such as smartphones, tablets, etc.

  • Possibility of either landscape or portrait options.

  • Different backend requirements.

  • Options for data storage and third-party integration alternatives.

  • Applications are tested to find problems and errors and then rapidly correct them to ensure seamless customer service.

The price of the average handyman-like app, such as Uber, can range from 14,000 USD up to 22,000 USD on Android and iOS platforms. This includes all costs listed in the previous paragraphs. The exact costs will depend on the kind of application designed for technology and features only.

Predictions For The Future Of Handyman App Marketplaces

Handyman apps are poised to experience significant transformation and expansion due to consumer purchasing patterns and shifts in market dynamics. The future predictions of the handyman app market comprise:

  • The Handyman app marketplaces could change to accommodate specialization and niche markets, such as eco-friendly house upgrades, smart home installation, and emergency repair.

  • The environment and sustainability will become more important concerns for app users. This could lead to the incorporation of eco-friendly methods and environmentally friendly services on handyman's app platforms.

  • The subscription-based service model may grow in popularity. It provides users with access to routine maintenance, priority scheduling, and reduced annual or monthly charges.

  • The gig economy's workforce, which includes freehand handymen and contractors, will expand as more people search for flexibility in their work schedules, and the demand for these services continues to increase.


The process of starting any company requires constant effort as well as a rational approach to decision-making. It is also necessary to develop an overall business plan for the future. This is also true of the handyman industry. The market is expanding quickly, and many companies are preparing to profit from the potential. It is strongly recommended that you create and launch your handyman apps when it is time to gain an edge over competitors.

This thorough tutorial reviewed the complex process of creating an online handyman market like TaskRabbit. Entrepreneurs who are interested in entering the world of services on demand developing an app similar to TaskRabbit or Uber is a fantastic possibility to invent and satisfy consumer demands that are constantly changing. Seeing the challenges as opportunities to learn and be resilient in facing failures is essential. Be aware that success is often a matter of perseverance, patience, and the willingness to change to market trends that change.